Friday, 2 March 2012

More than true

There is a saying that I like the most. Among many other sayings that I've read in my life.
"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us, that dragons can be beaten."
Well, our life isn't a fairy tale, and dragons simply doesn't exist. Because if they do, we might, or the scientist and archaeologist might have found their remains.
But the dragons I'm talking about is our own struggle.
Getting a good grade, pleasing your mother and father, doing the best in everything, wanting to be seen and noticed, and lots more other thing.
Before I go on, I have to ask you something, have you ever feel like you're up for no good, and that no matter how hard you've tried, things are still going wrong?
Well, I have.
It's recent. I don't really know why, but I believe that I wasn't this kind of person before. I let my emotion ruin everything, and I cry at things.
Until one night, there's a strike.
Life is indeed unfair, so make it fair. People may not notice how far you've come, the new people you meet everyday, the deal you make with the big bosses, well, they don't think of you that high.
And there's another saying say, do what you like before you have to do what you don't like.
But if somehow you're forced to do what you don't like, change it. Ask why, then fix it.
It is not as easy as I write it, trust me I have a struggle of my own.
But at least we tried.
Dragons can be beaten.
We can deal with our own inability.
It is not that hard, but it's not that easy either, We all face struggles in our life, that's the essence.
This writing may seem nothing, just a drop on this large and big sea. But I write because I like to write, because I have read things, like blogs and novels, or even short stories that touched me and change my way of thinking. I wish that the readers of my blog can feel the same.
And maybe, you think this blog is cliche, it talks about love and life. Well, mostly about love. But I thank you guys, whoever you are who read all my posts.
I am excited every time I see the number of page views increasing. From facebook, twitter, or even blackberry messengger, thank you guys. Have a nice weekend! Wonderful march awaits..!