Thursday, 26 July 2012

Dreams are coming true!

And here goes a fact no one is certain about...
Dreams that actually come true.
Just now I contacted someone I barely know online. He and I shared the same dream, he, and I and many other people I never met before, but connected by our similarities.
We love to write, and we make critics to each other's writing.
Who knows that one day, one of us will have his book published?
Life is full of surprises.
As I read his blog :

I realize that it's a long road to a fulfilled dream.
It means thousands of sleepless night and thousands of hard work, sometimes a despair and some critics.
Remember a phrase said "We're dealing with the same hell, just different devil" ?
He said that he ever thought of giving up. But life is a challenge.
And he face it well knowing that his book will be published soon!
Life is indeed a challenge.
We wanted to give up, I wanted to just give it up. I wanted to leave everything behind and maybe start a new thing.
But this is your battle. And we don't quit, we fight.
It's not as easy.
Along the way you'll find someone who'll lend a shoulder to cry on and say some comforting words.
Or someone who will criticize you and tell you to face your own giants.
Either way, this someone usually the same someone, who gives you strength and support, and an endless hugs and love.
Sometimes you just need to say to yourself that you are stronger than you believe you are.
You are tough.
But there will also be times when everything seems to break down and you cannot see or reach for the light anymore. 
Cry, cry a lot.
And when you're done, face it.
Because dreams are coming true. My friend is a proof of that!
It is not cliche and it is real!
Pray, nothing can be done without His presence.
Believe yourself, you are capable.
And work hard enough to make destiny knows that you deserve the sunlight. 

In-control? Under-control?

God has an amazing way in answering my prayer.
Since then and until now, He always have some weird methods to answer everything I doubt in my life.
And I don't have to wait.
He does it in an instant.
The analogy is like this : when I ask Him, "God, I really really want a book, please give me one, amen"
And pop, the next day someone will buy me one out of nothing.
It's true and this similar things happens a lot.
And this makes me wonder, should I be in control of every aspect in my life>
Should I mention every detail I want in my life and future, when or when I will meet someone who makes a big impact of my life? Should I request Him the future I would like to have and how I want to get there?
Sometimes I feel like I don't believe Him enough, and he's just "well, have it you way dear, and see what happens next,"
There was a time when I asked for something and when He fulfilled my wish, things turns to be a mess. And I break down. But until then, I still can't leave things in His hands.
I don't have the courage to say "Surprise me, Lord. My life is in Your hand and You are the driver, I will now enjoy my ride,"
I still want to be in control of everything.
I even mention the detail to Him, how, when, where, I would meet my true love. And I did wrote it down. His age, weight, height, everything.

But then I realize, that I should give everything under His control.
What's best come from His hands.
It's time to sit still and relax for a bit.
It's time to inhale deeply and say "God, I leave things to You"
I admire people who can do this. That they face every trouble with a light heart and forgive people quickly.
People who don't over analyze thing, people who have enough faith to be under His control.
Sometimes life stressed you out, and force you to be on your worst any day.
Sometimes, to be in-control of your life means to have a day when it all fall down.
Your strength, you self-defense, and you cry.
Maybe it is good. Sometimes.
But not every time, it makes you a drama queen.
Let it out, cry hard, but then forgive, forget, move on, and finally, leave it to His hand.
He will takes care of you, and He will guide you.
Be in control of your own emotion, your own heart, and then be under His control, leave things in His hand, it's best to let Him decide what's best for you.
Thanks for reading. Be blessed.