Wednesday, 20 June 2012

We've come this far!

This evening my blackberry, my lovely blackberry went dead. And I was like Oh my God, what should I do.
Left with a straight face upon my facial expression.
I was forced to use my old and almost useless cellphone.
Oh come on! it's not even qwerty!
But then, this turns out to be mercy in disguise.
I was bored that I decided to re-read every old conversation in that old ugly cellphone.
And out of sudden, between each messages, I realized.
I grow up, I've come this far.
I re-read lots of old messages from those who have gone overseas, who has changed their city. And I have some kind of emotion that's just .... in-explainable.
We made some promises, some have such a deep meaning, and some, well some made me laugh out loud.
It was the point of silliness. Having no idea at all about what we should do in life.
Back then, when we graduated from high school, we have so many dreams, so many plans.
Now, I'm seeing the dreams coming true and the plans turns alive.
So many feeling, emotion, rush into my vein.
Things change, my point of view changed, and the people I'm hanging around with, also change.
Even that special person we used to have, changed.
But I'm proud of us.
The people I used to see everyday.
Things change, but we don't.
Looking back, I regret nothing.
I am blessed, beyond what I deserved.

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