Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Everything Love is

Love is patient, Love is kind, It does not rejoice in evil, it isn't boast or rude, and so on. Yes, we all have heard, read this verse for.. I don't know, hundreds of time maybe?
But still.
People need a daily remember about everything love is.
Because now, I see love somehow don't get really involved in a relationship.
Sometimes the fear of being alone take over its place and leave 2 person in an unworthy relationship.
Lucky them if love finally come and turn that unworthy to worthy.
Let's just admit it.
 We wonder what would it be like to have someone who cares about us for all time, and as time goes by, we just don't wonder, we want the attention.
But we do need to remember one thing.
 Love is about giving and not expecting anything in return.
Love is a verb, so it shall be proven by act not by words.
It is about having someone to care for all time.
It's not only about him that is way too patient to deal with your ups and downs.
It is also about you.
How you deal with him through his bad time, and how you can sincerely be happy for him when he has something good happening to him.
You want to make a good man out of him and he does feel the same.
So the conclusion is yes, we need a daily reminder about everything love is.
So start now.
Love yourself, feel good about yourself. Be confident.
And then start by loving each one around you. Respect them as you respect yourself.
I know it is a challenge, so challenge yourself!
Compete with others and you become bitter, compete with yourself, and be better!
Best regards and happy valentine day!

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